devang chouhan

25 Random things about me.

Ok so I read about “25 Random things” craze that sweeping the web. It’s a huge hit, specially on FB. You can read about it here, here and here.  So I thought lets give it a go..

Here’s 25 Random things about me.

Yeah It’s all about ME. Deal with IT!!

1) At 6 I told my mother that I want to marry my school teacher.

2) I can finish an ice-creme cone 3 bites.

3) (When young) I wanted to become a bus driver.

4) Most of the girls I like move to another country.

5) I worship SRT.

6) Till I was 12 -13 I was under the impression that I was born in Melbourne, Australia.

7) I do byte.

8) I’m a decent cook.

9) The day I got my driving license I had my first accident.

10) Speaking of accident. I almost got my friend killed when I crashed into a still truck. No I wasn’t drunk.

11) I’ve never paid or air tickets until summer of 2008 London – Los Angeles £800.

12) Visited San Francisco (with my cousin)… the best trip!!. We literally walked whole of SF in 2-3 days.

13) Always been running but the Nike Human race in 2008 was my first race.

14) Some of my close friends are accountants – thank god, coz I don’t know anything about finance.

15) I speak (way too) fast.

16) I am can live on cereals, pastas and Eva Mendes.

17) Don’t block my way while I’m running. You’ll get murdered.

18) Horizontal and Vertical confuses me…. till date.

19) Confusion never stops……. The elevator signs of Open Door and Close Door confuses me. Just can’t get it in my head!!

20) I listen music on my iPhone even when I pee.

21) I enjoy wine and Duvel.

22) I HEART startups.

23) Hope, Fuck & Bitch are the words I use the most. Though not necessarily in same sentence.

24) The greater percentage of this will NEVER be read by anyone but ME!!

25) I have written these 24 things after coming back from a party… naturally drunk!
(Though embarrassing…I’ll keep them)

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