London Snow Pics…

Just back from Mumbai .. and was welcomed by heavy snow. From 35 deg C to -5 deg C…. phew.. what difference 9 hrs can make…

Took some time to upload pics.. but finally!

Lake -4

Canal Brilliant Pic Brilliant Lake - 2 London Eye Golden jubilee bridge Southbank


This is New York city…

In partnership with Google, NYC & Company (New York City’s official marketing, tourism and partnership organization) launched a new website and Information Center to help make it easier for both visitors and residents to explore all the energy, excitement and diversity of New York City’s five boroughs.

Something to look when in NYC.

“While you’re in New York, stop by the brand new Official New York City Information Center at 810 Seventh Avenue, between 52nd and 53rd Streets. The Information Center features interactive map tables, powered by the Google Maps API for Flash, that let you navigate venues and attractions as well as create personalized itineraries, which can be printed, emailed or sent to mobile devices. Additionally, there’s a gigantic video wall that utilizes Google Earth to display a 3D model of New York City on which you can map out personalized itineraries.”

25 Random things about me.

Ok so I read about “25 Random things” craze that sweeping the web. It’s a huge hit, specially on FB. You can read about it here, here and here.  So I thought lets give it a go..

Here’s 25 Random things about me.

Yeah It’s all about ME. Deal with IT!!

1) At 6 I told my mother that I want to marry my school teacher.

2) I can finish an ice-creme cone 3 bites.

3) (When young) I wanted to become a bus driver.

4) Most of the girls I like move to another country.

5) I worship SRT.

6) Till I was 12 -13 I was under the impression that I was born in Melbourne, Australia.

7) I do byte.

8) I’m a decent cook.

9) The day I got my driving license I had my first accident.

10) Speaking of accident. I almost got my friend killed when I crashed into a still truck. No I wasn’t drunk.

11) I’ve never paid or air tickets until summer of 2008 London – Los Angeles £800.

12) Visited San Francisco (with my cousin)… the best trip!!. We literally walked whole of SF in 2-3 days.

13) Always been running but the Nike Human race in 2008 was my first race.

14) Some of my close friends are accountants – thank god, coz I don’t know anything about finance.

15) I speak (way too) fast.

16) I am can live on cereals, pastas and Eva Mendes.

17) Don’t block my way while I’m running. You’ll get murdered.

18) Horizontal and Vertical confuses me…. till date.

19) Confusion never stops……. The elevator signs of Open Door and Close Door confuses me. Just can’t get it in my head!!

20) I listen music on my iPhone even when I pee.

21) I enjoy wine and Duvel.

22) I HEART startups.

23) Hope, Fuck & Bitch are the words I use the most. Though not necessarily in same sentence.

24) The greater percentage of this will NEVER be read by anyone but ME!!

25) I have written these 24 things after coming back from a party… naturally drunk!
(Though embarrassing…I’ll keep them)

iPhone….may be….

I love Apple, Steve Jobs and all that happens at 1 Infinite Loop. But not a big fan of iPhone – its great but somehow i didn’t fancy one until now…but when you see such great apps.. you just want one!

Google’s voice-based search for iphone…. awesome

SGN has made some great apps for iPhone. Now it’s rolling out something a little different. iFun turns the iPhone into a Wii-like controller, but the actual games are played on normal desktop and laptop computers… phew… wow

There are plenty of such great apps.. one of the reasons I want an iPhone.. but Motorola tomming out with Anaroid phone next year and I have great expectation from it. This is Moto’s last chance. So I guess I’ll wait for few more months and see which one to go for.


What a roller coaster year this has been for me, Plenty of highs though last 3 weeks…… anyways trying to get over it!

I used to run – Online Marketing for your business!. Aimed at small business owners, who can’t afford to hire an online marketing consultant – more off DIY ( do it yourself) approach.

I used to host the site with, but my hosting expired in April. I did not bother to renew with them or move the hosting before it expired. BTW they are the worst in the business – never again.

Now I ‘ve decided to update and the site – both content wise and appearance wise.
But my hard drive crashed when I was in India (in May) and had no other back up of my site – me being me!

Anyways thanks to Internet Archive – Way Back Machine – I managed to retrieve most of my content. As far the site was concern it needed a face lift.

So been working on it – updating certain sections of the site while doing others from scratch. should be up and running soon.

Screen shots form Internet Archive – You’ll notice that they don’t archive the images from the site.


Also working on something which I wanted to do for a while…. more on that later!

What goes around…goes around…

One of my favorite songs…. even more these days for obvious reasons!

What Goes Around – Justin Timblerlake (Live At – Madison Square Garden).

52 things and Gmail!

An interesting list compiled by Google highlighting their other service besides Search!

Basic info but nicely put with the help of videos. Have a look Things to do with Google.

Things to do with Google

Video – Audio in Gmail

Also released this week is Voice and Video chat on Google.

But for this to work, one would need to add a plugin found here

I’ve tried it and found it brillaint! Better than Skype! You won’t get the emmos you get on Skype but this is great.

One can also send SMS from Gmail – but as of now it’s only for US users.

Here comes another bubble

been long time since I blogged…couple of months.
but i had to add this video… for those who are associated with “Web 2.0” business this one’s for you (and me)… hilarious.

“…. blog while you having even if you ‘re wrong…won’t you blog about this song ?” Nice one.