10 Things to Know About London

Visiting London for the first time? Here are 10 things to keep in mind!


1) ALWAYS stand on the right side of the escalator, allow people to walk on the left.

2) London Bridge is a tube station, the actual bridge is called Tower Bridge!

3) The weather can change at any given second. You’ll feel warm, cold, get wet all within one one hour. So don’t grumble about it.

4) If you see sun… you’re  here

5) Tubes (London Underground) are not as bad as people make out. They could be worse.

6) The Queen does NOT reside at Buckingham Palace.

7) Monmouth Coffee Company – best coffee in London. Period.

8) London is expensive….very expensive. Get over it!

9) Avoid Leicester Square and Oxford Street. Unless you like walking in the crowd.

10) People are the best thing about London.

Follow this thread on Quora for detailed info What little-known facts should a traveler to London know?